

Easy Asphalt Maintenance For Your Parking Lot Or Driveway: Preventing Potholes And Cracks

Posted by Derek Patterson   8/7/14 10:34 AM

You want your asphalt parking lot or driveway to last decades. How do you ensure that it lasts as long as it can? Proper maintenance can extend the life of your paving project - but asphalt maintenance isn’t as tricky as it sounds. Asphalt is affected regularly by weather, heavy loads, oil and many other normal substances it may come in contact with. 

Clean your asphalt.

Remember when your mother said keeping things clean helped them last longer? Well, she was right  - in the case of asphalt at least.  Keep it clear of excess water, and yard clippings.

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Topics: Businesses, Parking Lots, Individuals, Driveways

How to Pave A Driveway: Tips From The Pros

Posted by Derek Patterson   6/5/14 9:30 AM

Asphalt is durable, resilient and low-maintenance. The process of paving with asphalt is not difficult, but proper asphalt installation requires heavy equipment that most homeowners do not possess – specifically, a 3,000-pound twin drum roller for compacting soil. A properly installed asphalt driveway will last 30 to 40 years with little maintenance. So the question is: how to pave a driveway properly?

The primary steps for how to pave a driveway are straightforward – from removing the existing surface to grading and refinishing the driveway. However there are several key steps that will mean the difference between a smooth, long lasting driveway, and one filled with cracks and puddles.

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Topics: Individuals, Driveways